ni panjang sikit..maklumlah..last2 ni banyak la nak cakap..
Mengimbau kenangan tiga tahun aku disini memang menyentuh hati..entahle..maybe aku ni sentimental sikit kot...every place have it's own story..sad or happy, it's doesn't matter as long we share it together...
Alhamdullillah, aku da berjaya tangkap gambar hampir 60% monumen2 di ukm..skrang tengah kumpul gambar2 field work dengan budak2 geologi pulak.
About my future.. insyaallah i'll have petronas interview tomorrow and penjom gold mine interview this sunday...wish me gud luck k..then i'll go to penang and after that come back to my hometown..
Anyhow, one person that i remember when i wrote in this blog is my roomate..dialah yang begitu bersemangat mengajar dan mendorong aku menulis blog.. eventhough it's clear that he did'nt like me..i accept all that as my weakness..sorry for all the mistake..biasa la, aku ni nakal n manja sikit....anak bongsu katakan.. anyhow, i try to make as a habit..walau siapapun yg kita jumpe, belajarlah sesuatu daripadanya.. my rumet banyak mengajar dan membantu aku..thanks 4 that.
Banyak perkara yang aku inginkan masa melangkah masuk universiti tercapai..thank god for that..i totally agree that my success is not only's your success too...thanks to all my family and friends... To my KUO friends..adli, faris, zaidi, nazri..keluar bersosial dan makan is one of my favourite time usage, besides playing badminton with u guys in the evening.. kepada Adli yg banyak 'dipergunakan' olehku...thanx slalu ajak aku ke surau, the first place we met...mintak maaf banyak2 coz ngan kau aku biasa gurau melampau skit
Girls..mostly yang aku rapat budak2 geo je..especially my study grup yg setia..farah, farhana dan ezza..kejayaan akademik aku, banyak disumbangkan oleh korang..thanks
No girlfriend..hmm aku pun tak tahu ini pilihan aku sendiri or memang aku ni tak laku..but aku akui, aku tak sefriendly masa kat matrik dulu..tambah plak status sebagai exco perdana mendorong aku untuk menginsafi kisah silamku..
I'm not sure if this is the end of my blog..we'll, i miss all bloggers out there..eventhough we haven't meet each other, but i think i now you all better than some of my friends's nice to share stories together..
Waa..bestnye makan durian...thanx 4 my coursemate yg baik hati.. Dulu masa kecik aku tak suka makan durian..plik gak..tapi skrang da jadi one of my feveret fruit... Maybe betullah kata orang..dunia brubah..dulu benci, kini sayang..dulu dijauhi, kini dicari
Gambar pohon durian dibawah ditujukan kepada mereka yg masih was2-was bagaimana rupa pokok durian.. Durian berbuah selepas 4 atau 5 tahun.. sesetengah orang tak suka makan durian sebab bau dan panas.. Hmm..ada petua mengatakan rasa panas lepas makan durian boleh dikurangkan dengan makan bersama2 manggis ataupun isi air dalam kulit durian dan minum air tersebut..
Camnepun., tak sabar nak balik kg..boleh makan sepuas hati hehe
Hmm..kali ni kita share sikit pasal mendirikan khemah..kebanyakannya aku edit daripada artikel dalam altitude nye website
Biasanya masa nak pasang khemah mesti kita tertanya-tanya, kat mana ye nak pasang khemah ni? dan member2 kita ada yang menjawab...'alahhh...cari je tempat rata janji bawah jangan ada tunggul'...' Buat je tepi sungai senang nak ambil air'.....'kat bawah pokok lah redup sikit'..'Sini tempat cantik.. sejuk, angin lalu'..dll
Here's some tips that can help us decide a good place to palce our tent:
Pemilihan Tapak Perkhemahan
a) Tanah yang rata
b) Ada perlindungan dari angin seperti tempat berbukit
c) Berdekatan dengan punca air
d) Mendapat sinaran matahari
e) Mempunyai hubungan dengan jalan, trek atau denai
Mendirikan Khemah
a)Dipasang di atas tapak sesuai yang telah dipilih
b)Bahagian belakang khemah menghadap arah angin
c)Di tempat berpasir atau tanah lembut gunakan kayu untuk menguatkan pacakkan bagi
mengukuhkan khemah, begitu juga pada khemah di kawasan yang terdedah kepada
gangguan angin
d)Pancang khemah hendaklah bersudut tepat/seimbang dengan tanah apabila dipacak
e)Jarak antara satu khemah ke khemah yang lain sebaiknya antara 5 - 8 meter
Larangan Semasa Berkhemah
a)Jangan berkhemah terlalu dekat dengan punca air
b)Kawasan lalang ( bahaya bintang jenis melata dan kebakaran merebak dengan cepat )
c)Semak samun atau kawasan belukar
d)Tanah Lembap berpaya, berlumpur atau berlopak
e)Diatas tebing tinggi dan curam
f)Dibawah pokok rimbun atau dahan mati
g)Kawasan berbatu dan berpasir ( susah memacak pancang )
h)Di lereng bukit dan kawasan cenuram
i) Jangan membawa masuk bahan berunsur kimia atau gas kedalam khemah contoh: lantern/stove
Alhamdullillah ujian undang2 lesen da lulus pagi tadi.. Balik ukm aku pun kluar la bersukaria kat sunway bersama adli dan adiknya afan, serta zaidi..
Sungai way ni asalnya lombong bijih timah dan telah dibangunkan oleh syarikat Sunway Holdings Incorporated Bhd.
Selain shopping complex sunway piramid dan taman tema sunway lagoon yang terkenal, tempat ini juga menempatkan institusi pendidikan seperti Monash University, Sunway University College dan The One Academy
Huhu..tak sangka impian aku sejak tahun satu nak ice skating akhirnya tercapai.. ok la, berbaloi gak a Rm30..especially dapat rasa tidur atas ais hehe..
Result da kluar..nampaknye kurang memberansangkan, sepertimana yang aku expect.. but, i think i get what i deserve..serve me a great lesson.. Well, dont take easy something that you assume is easy..
anyhow, maybe i need something like this to give me motivation..ending aku masa upsr dan spm pun lebih kurang camni gak..hope this also push me forward
cuma maybe aku tak regret sangat coz final sem ni, i spend my time as a university student..doing things that i like the most..
our day will eventually get dark..but that's alright..coz only after that you can watch the star n moon
Hari ni aku baru je balik dari umah kakak aku..benarlah kata orang, sebaik manapun sahabat kita, tak sama dengan keluarga.. memang rasa secure bila bersama keluarga.. boleh jumpe anak2 sedara.. update pasal keluarga n bercerita kisah2 zaman dulu.. cuma biasa la, aku tak suka tumpang rumah orang lama2.. sorry kalau pegi skejap sangat By da way, spegeti tu memang sedap..kalau banyak tadi ingat nak tapau.. hehe
Nampaknya, dah tak sampai sebulan aku dapat berselindung disebalik status sebagai seorang pelajar..lepas ni kena la cari duit sendiri...nak balas balik jasa family aku..mak aku pun da lama cakap kat aku nak tukar kerusi baru..memang berharap benar la tu kot..huhu
Aku percaya korang mesti ada impian dalam hidup...who you want to be.. masa skolah rendah dulu aku nak jadi saintis, pengkaji dinasour dan angkasawan..nampaknye, 2 impian aku tu semacam menjadi kenyataan..yang angkasawan tu, aku rasa cukuplah syeikh muzafar je..people only remember the first n sometimes the last... camnepun, minat aku terhadap angkasa still mendalam seperti dulu..
Of course impian kita tak sama seperti masa kita kecil dulu..we are more exposed to the outside world that we have never heard before...pengaruh rakan sebaya dan background pendidikan kita..How we see the world is always changing..
Somehow, my family background inspire me to be good at all thing that i involve..aku percaya, that trait is also inherited to least it give me courage to try something that i think imposible..
Bestnye zaman blajar..people forgive us because we r still 'learning'
hmm..sape boleh teka kat mana aku ambik gambar ni? hehe
camnepun..aku mula belajar sesuatu...
it's no use if you have everything, if you cannot share it with people that you love
Tahniah kepada anak Dr. zaiton yang selamat diijab kabulkan tadi. Aku dan beberapa budak geologi lain berkesempatan meraikan hari yang cukup bersejarah ini. hmm..tak perlu cerita panjang, tengok je gambar2 kat bawah ni ye
cuma tak sempat nak tengok pengantin je..anak2 Dr pun tak sempat kenal semua.. camnepun makanan memang best..siap ada cendol lg..cukup berselera huhu
hmm..sape la budak geo yg first kawen..kalau ikutkan da ramai yang kapel satu batch.. takpe, we'll wait n see hehe...
Ramalan cuaca merupakan kemahiran yang perlu ada especially bagi mereka yang spend most masa outdoor.Berikut merupakan panduan yang boleh digunakan:
1. “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.” Translation: A red morning sky indicates possible rain that day; a red evening sky suggests the next day will be clear. The color difference relates to the reflective value of the low-lying cloud cover.
2. Check the grass, tent, canoe bottom, or whatever for the presence of dew (embun) in late evening or early morning. A heavy dew at either of these times usually suggests eight to twelve hours of good weather.
3. Watch the smoke from your campfire. If it hangs low (a function of low pressure) to the ground, rain is on the way. If it rises high into a nice vertical column (high pressure), count on good weather.
4. Check out the air bubbles in your coffee cup. They’ll ring the edges of the cup when a low pressure (rain) system sets in.
5. You can sometimes smell a coming storm, as the low pressure allows methane (swamp gas) to rise and drift with the current. In boggy areas the odor is quite pronounced.
6. “When the peacock loudly bawls, there’ll be both rain and squalls.” Translation: Birds sing loudly just before a storm.
7.Geese and seagulls usually won’t fly just before a storm. Low-pressure air is thin and it’s hard for them to get airborne.
8. The ears of many animals are sensitive to low pressure.Wolves will howl before a storm.Dogs will become nervous and emit howls or howl-like sounds.
9. To determine the distance of a lighting strike, count the seconds between the flash and the thunder boom. Divide by five and you’ll have your answer in miles.
10. Noises all become louder and more vibrant just before a rain, because the sound is reflected and magnified by the low clouds. The croaking of frogs, yodel of loons, etc., will echo loudly if rain is imminent.
11. Be alert for changes in wind direction. Storms are whirlpools of wind that rotate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere (remember high school science?). The adage “Wind from the south brings rain in its mouth” is the keystone here, as the wind that precedes a storm usually blows from the south. Counterclockwise wind shifts therefore usually bring rain, while clockwise movements indicate fair weather. You can keep these directional changes straight by remembering the rhymes…
“Wind from the east brings weather that’s a beast.” (Suggest a counterclockwise wind shift from the south to east, east to north, and so on.)
“Wind from the west brings weather that’s best.” (Suggests a clockwise wind shift from south to west, north to east, etc.)
12. Most everyone knows that frogs emerge from the water just before a storm and croak their fool heads off. Frogs breathe partly through their skin (which must be kept moist), so when the humidity rises just before a storm, they climb ashore and sing happily.
13. If you’re a canoeist, you know that about eight to twelve hours before a storm, mosquitoes and blackflies begin to swarm and bite more than usual. Up to two hours before the storm they quit biting altogether.
14. Check out the rainbow: A heavy red may mean more rain; vibrant rich blue suggests clear skies ahead.
15. Here’s an old Down East proverb: “Filly tails make lofty ships wear low sails.” Translation: Thin, hairlike clouds forecast rain within the day. These “filly tails” are really streaks of ice thrown skyward by the rising air of a coming storm.
16. “A mackerel sky [tiny scalelike clouds that resemble a mackerel’s back], just twenty-four hours dry.” Translation: Expect rain within the next day!
17. Any fireflies around? When rain approaches, these little insects light up the woods, according to this rhyme: “When the little glow bug lights his lamp, the air around is surely damp.”
18. Listen for the rustle of leaves as the wind precedes the storm.
19. If you can’t see the sharp points on a half moon, rain may be on its way. Translation: Low clouds and haze distort sharp images.
20.Bright, twinkling stars usually indicate high altitude winds, which may be bringing in a storm.
21. There’s a good chance that foul weather (rain or snow) will fall within three days of a new moon phase.
22. “The weather out west had best be best, for tomorrow will bring it to you to test!” This means that in all likelihood, the weather system to your west will be at your location tomorrow.
23. In summer a sun dog, or halo around the sun, generally predicts the coming of rain. Sun dogs are caused by sunlight streaming through the ice particles of high cirrostratus clouds. A halo around the moon may also indicate rain.
24. “Evening fog will not burn soon, but morning fog will burn before high noon.” Invariably, a fog-borne day will become perfectly clear (an ideal day) by noon. Fog forms when water vapor reaches the dew point and condenses on dust particles near the ground. When the day heats up, the fog evaporates and turns to invisible water vapor.
25. “Short notice, soon it will pass. Long notice, expect it to last.” Watch the clouds. If they take several days to build, a warm front- and prolonged rain- is usually in the offing. If the storm system builds suddenly, it will probably pass quickly.
26. And of course everyone knows: “Rain before seven, dry by eleven.”
Tips ni aku ambil daripada buku camping secrets tulisan Cliff jacobson. so, boleh la nanti tengok betul ke tak apa buku ni cakap.
Maaf kerana lama tidak mengupdate blog..smlam baru je balik daripada Cameron Higland.. hmm..da masuk kali ke-4 rupenye aku pi cameron sjak masuk UKM.. tapi aku tak rasa boring lagi..maybe sebab peserta yang pegi lain-lain...tambahan pula, there's many special thing about that place, especially for nature lovers like me.. Lawatan ni dihandle oleh anak klantan (PERDANA)..bayaran murah je RM25 merangkumi penginapan, makan dan tiket.. Camnepun kali ni aku banyak spend masa ngan budak2 geologi dan adli, bestfrenku kat UO.. ok..lets have a look what happen there:
Masjid Tanah Rata
kitorang sampai sini dalam kul 6 pagi..solat subuh dan breakfast kat sini..
kat bawah masjid tu ada taman bunga dan padang..
well this one stop centre offer all main attraction in cameron.. -european style buildings -tea plantation and factory -flowers, fruit plant and cactus -cafetaria -strawberry
by da way..dua orang international student join kitorang sepanjang xpdc ni iaitu elco dan marry..Nice to have you two along the journey
Homestay Taman Sedia
kitorang menginap kat marina chalet..kawasan ni didiami mostly oleh orang melayu..
bilik disini cukup selesa dan ada shower heater..bayaran yang dikenakan considerably cheap
Taman Rama Rama
bukan stakat rama2 je ada kat sini..ular, cicak dll turut dipelihara..bayaran RM 3...
walaupun rama-rama ni nampak cantik..tapi berhati-hatilah coz pernah dulu sweaterku hampir dinajisi olehnya
Arked peladang
hmm..aku suka kedai ni sebab: -banyak sampel makanan untuk dicuba -landskap dia lawa especially kincir air kat depan kedai tu -ada tempat rehat kat dalam kedai -gula2 kapas yang segar dari mesin
Cactus point
macam2 cactus ada kat sini...tak perlu bayar tiket masuk, compared to cactus valley yg kena bayar tak silap dalam RM4
Jungle Trekking
haha..tak sangka jadi guide lak..thanx 4 da trust Aku suka trek kat sini sebab agak complete..boleh jumpe watch tower, boleh lepak kat puncak bukit, ada waterfall, melintas jambatan gantung
Then kitorang breakfast kat taman dan main game
Cameron Valley
ladang teh di tepi jalan yang memang mengasyikkan dan mendamaikan.. aku suka beli teh yang harga RM1 kat kedai atas tu, then minum sambil jalan2 disekitar ladang..
masa kitorang pegi tu, ada plak orang wat shooting drama kat bawah kawasan waterfall tu..jadi kami dihalau dengan hormatnye..
Lake House
hmm..lot have change.. masa aku first datang sini 6 tahun dulu, kawasan ni memang lawa..tasik membiru, teratai terapung, kabus berlegar..
But i still like to come here becoz it remind me of my friends from mrsm..
by da merupakan antara empangan terawal yang dibina di Malaysia dan kat kawasan ni ada resort lakehouse yang merupakan antara resort termahal di cameron
Lata Iskandar
air terjun yang agak popular..ada kedai kraftangan yang banyak disamping kedai makan dan tandas..
Di air terjun ni anda boleh bermandi-manda unless anda segan coz kurang privacy sikit tempat ni
Then kitorang pun betolak pulang ke ukm..
i thinks its never too late to say that i am happy to be here in this program with you all..
kat xpdc ni aku semakin memahami erti cinta..tapi bukan pengalaman aku sendiri la..mostly from my member in da program..cinta itu menggembirakan, tapi kadangkala ianya menghancurkan perasaan...jangan mengharapkan lebih daripada yang sepatutnya..