1:34 PM
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Back to student life. Finally, cita-cita nak blajar kat oversea menjadi kenyataan. These are my coursemate during our fieldtrip to Salt mine at Sicily, Italy.
Everyone is great people with their own unique personality. People that i would be in touch throughout my professional geologist life.
I choose univ. of Aberdeen for few reason:
1. Europe oil and gas hub
2. Tepi pantai
3. Great course and two international fieldtrip
4. Be in beautiful and natural scotland
I'll update on my trip and travel afterwards in next post. This is just the warming up.
Nampaknye malam ni tahun baru, and seperti biasa setiap orang usually akan ada azam baru. For me, it matter less which new year you preferred, as long as long as you celebrate it with new goals, dreams or even hope.
Historically, 1434 tahun yg lalu prophet muhammad berpindah dari makkah ke madinah. Something to relate with, in few weeks time i will move from Gombak to Sg. Besi; a place that i hope will mark a new beginning.
For me, two important things that shape your character-especially bagi aku yg in mid 20's and still searching the 'path of life'; your home and your work. Just imagine in 5 days of weekdays, half spent at office, and other half at home. So, very crucial to make sure you are living in the right place and doing the right thing.
I love to talk about dreams or plan. because it guide us in our life-which decision to make and which path to take. Sometimes, we let opportunity pass before us just because we doesn't care. we have never dream and let alone to think about it.
Well, mencapai apa yg diimpikan is a different story, but as human being you always have the option. For me, i have lot a plan ahead which really makes my life exciting. let the year started and i wish to all my friend- Have something to look forward to. Good Luck!!
11:28 AM
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Tetiba tersedar dari mimpi...cuba lelapkan mata kembali tp dah xleh tido..bukak2 je internet, tringat blog aku yg lama dah x terusik. so, aku rasa maybe inilah hikmahnya-Update your blog!
Ilham yg datang is about my addiction to Kuaci yg kini menjadi makanan rujiku.
Of course kuaci kegemaranku adalah ChaCheer warna merah.

Ai..sambung tido..esok keje lg. anyhow,Thank god it's friday!
Hoho..operation x start lg..hari ni pi jalan2 lg..

nak abih dah ramadhan, mari kita bnyk2 kan amalan.
Some people say, if you want to know yourself, be a traveller. And if you want to know someone, travel with him.I agree.
Life in this unpredictable surrounding offers much fun,mystery, joy and sometimes pain.
Well, if you are 'learn by mistake' type of person, i recommended travelling for you.

Dont wait until you be like him to think about travel.
Born as a living creature.. living as a puppet.

There's too many wonderful things out there.Yes, pictures mean a lot, but sometimes it missed the important things.
kajang pak malau, kajang berlipat,
kajang hamba sudah pergi,
kalau ada hajat tak dapat,
apa ditunggu pergilah cari
Thanx 4 still reading this is my last day at work now really challenge me a lot..sometimes i think i have choosen the wrong way by beeing here..i just want to run away from this problem...
But now, i change my mind..i cant run from all this..i suffer a lot, but i gain a lot too
I now realize, life at work is no more same like life at univ..we have responsibilities..of course,these people don't pay us for nothing..furthermore, people search for our mistake..we better watch out our action.
There is one thing for's time for a change..
It's time to better utilize the resource i have..

Enough of to take some action!